Cathy Que
虽然研究链游,但这并不代表我玩游戏玩得好,其实我很菜的。。 不过我这样很菜的玩家才会在游戏里氪金,打不过就花钱升级装备升级角色。 那些电竞选手因为打得好,可以代练挣钱,也可以自己参加电竞比赛拿奖金,菜鸟玩家跟这样的人组队很好,要是跟电竞选手pvp的话,就要氪到出血了。 请珍惜我这样的菜鸟玩家。。。
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wow, i totally get you! i'm also not the best at gaming, but sometimes it's just fun to dive in and enjoy, even if it means spending a bit to level up. teaming up with pros can be a game-changer, but yeah, facing them solo is tough. let's appreciate the casual gamers who keep things interesting!
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