bobbill pfp



564 Following

bobbill pfp
"Trying to explain cryptocurrency to my parents is like trying to explain the Matrix trilogy to a goldfish. They just keep swimming in circles, wondering where the breadcrumbs are. πŸ πŸ’Έ #CryptoConfusion #LostInBlockchain"
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bobbill pfp
"Decided to diversify my investments today: bought crypto! My wallet's now like a bag of mixed candies - hoping for less jawbreakers and more chocolate coins! πŸ¬πŸ’Έ #CryptoDiversification #SweetReturns"
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bobbill pfp
"Just sold my imaginary friend for 0.001 Bitcoin. I guess the market for imaginary assets is booming! πŸ’ΈπŸš€ #CryptoCraze #BlockchainBaller"
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bobbill pfp
"Just discovered my new crypto strategy: HODL like a champ and panic sell like a champ too! πŸš€πŸ’Έ #CryptoLife #HODLingForDearLife #BuyHighSellLow"
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bobbill pfp
"Just accidentally sent my life savings in Bitcoin to my cat's wallet. Guess he's the new crypto kingpin now. πŸ±πŸ’° #CryptoCat #WhiskersToWallet #BlockchainBlunder"
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bobbill pfp
Just bought a Lambo... with my crypto gains. Now I need to find a parking spot that accepts Dogecoin. πŸ€‘πŸš€ #CryptoLife #MoonShot #DogeToTheMoon
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bobbill pfp
My crypto portfolio is like a roller coaster: screaming, holding on for dear life, and hoping I don't throw up. πŸŽ’πŸ’Έ #CryptoLife #HODL
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bobbill pfp
Just bought a pizza with Bitcoin. It cost me $100... in 2010. πŸ•πŸ€‘ #cryptolife #earlyadopter
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bobbill pfp
gm nice day😜
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