matt  ↑ ᖽ pfp

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matt  ↑ ᖽ pfp
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In crypto in 2024/25 is there a middle ground between a) 24/7 hyper speed memecoin day trading b) holding BTC/ETH/SOL on CB for 10+ yrs is there a ‘profitable’ option c ? I think I’m doing option c minus the profit
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matt  ↑ ᖽ pfp
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this is actually a Franken-guitar I can get behind. Tele + SGJr 🤌🤌
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matt  ↑ ᖽ pfp
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Dang - wanted to re-use this frame I built 6 months ago ( feels like a different era ) - checked Vercel logs and my Neynar API call is broken 🥲 Was going to call out @brykayne who has been very consistently early. Should I dust off my frame dev hat?
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matt  ↑ ᖽ pfp
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All about the hero’s journey
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matt  ↑ ᖽ pfp
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highly recommend Al Pacino memoir audiobook. Some highs and some low lows. Something so uplifting about hearing the very serious failures of successful people. No hero’s journey without the walk through the dark woods. See also: life of Frank Sinatra.
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matt  ↑ ᖽ pfp
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am I back? I’m back. I think I’m back.
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matt  ↑ ᖽ pfp
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The idea AI companies are peddling that any/everything on the internet is fair use is utter nonsense. Is there any other example of a biz model predicated on ‘free’ inputs without also driving monetary/biz value back to the originators of those inputs? Doesn’t exist because it’s illegal. Your algo/industrial process/factory, etc. are naturally where value derives but hey you’ve got to pay for your raw materials too
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matt  ↑ ᖽ pfp
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anyone else have guitars they think are great but never really clicked with? certain guitars just feel right in your hands and some don’t. Tend to sound better on the ones that have that ‘fit’ Verdict is still out on my jaguar AVRI. Written some good tunes on it, the neck actually feels great but the offset body never quite feels right, and I never bonded with the pickups/electronics.
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matt  ↑ ᖽ pfp
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Guess my relic hate isn’t widely shared
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matt  ↑ ᖽ pfp
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a little salty after another bad experience with a home repair contractor hired on thumbtack. Makes me think of how many utterly useless products were funded and built in the web2 bull run of the last 10-15 years. thumbtack raised $275M at $3B valuation 😱 it’s basically a feature ( filtered search/reviews ), undifferentiated from FB marketplace, google reviews, etc.
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matt  ↑ ᖽ pfp
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the guitar pedal market rn is insane. Lots of cool stuff and companies - also a ton of marketing fluff. how many different kinds of fuzz can there really be?? the colors/marketing/logos give the impression there’s a lot more variation than there actually is/needs to be…
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matt  ↑ ᖽ pfp
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goldtop w PAFs or P90s?
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matt  ↑ ᖽ pfp
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↑ coded
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matt  ↑ ᖽ pfp
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so many parts of parenting feel like Ls when they are in fact huge Ws. Nanny calls out - work schedule thrown into chaos - no time for planned self care (I.e shower/shave). Take the kids to the park out of necessity to kill time… spend a beautiful unplanned morning watching them play. TAKE THE W
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matt  ↑ ᖽ pfp
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is relic’ing guitars the dumbest thing ever? Am I the only one that feels that way?
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matt  ↑ ᖽ pfp
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one of the hardest lessons to learn with the most upside: differentiate between people you ‘like’ and people you ‘trust’. strong bias to conflate the two.
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matt  ↑ ᖽ pfp
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I absolutely hate using guitar as ‘therapy’. It’s not a fidget spinner - it’s an instrument that you can use to make art with intention, practice, etc. That said it works rlllyy damn well as therapy sometimes.
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matt  ↑ ᖽ pfp
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why do they only make No Tears shampoo for kids?
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matt  ↑ ᖽ pfp
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Everyone realize this is how biz are built right? Founders have an idea/opinion + use any tools available - like OSS, permission-less networks, etc. - to make it happen. The ‘opinion’ part is the proprietary part and where the value capture is. who has a problem with this lol
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matt  ↑ ᖽ pfp
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