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BlockBeats pfp
比特币2024美国大会Day2👇🏻 1.今日人满为患,安保严格许多,包内东西倒出来查,有枪支检测 2.小罗伯特·肯尼迪演讲: 我特懂比特币,allin BTC;BTC拯救年轻人;若能当选将要求美国每天买550枚BTC,直到建立400万BTC规模储备 3.斯诺登出现引发欢呼 4.大会禁止“Bear🐻”入场(空军退退退)
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Bitstamp: Completed BTC and BCH Distribution to Mt. Gox Creditors Bitstamp officially stated, "After completing the security check, the trusted assets allocated by Bitstamp to the creditors of Mt. Gox in Mentougou and stored in Bitstamp are now fully available. For Bitstamp customers in the UK, a separate distribution plan will be formulated. Once more information is received from the trustee of Mt. Gox in Mentougou, Bitstamp will notify immediately."
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据 Protos 报道,Binance 创始人 CZ 的出狱日期为 9 月 29 日,而非网传的 8 月 30 日。 据悉,8 月 30 日理应是 CZ 的释放之日。但 CZ 律师团队积极介入,在入狱前为其争取了更多自由时间。他们的努力使得 CZ 入狱时间延后至 5 月下旬,且并未按原计划入驻 Seatac,而是被转移至位于洛杉矶以北三小时车程的低安全级别联邦监狱 FCI Lompoc II。
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律动小编Bitcoin2024美国大会带回现场报道 1、参会美国人多,华人面孔较少 2、参会展位的公司矿企和BTC L2各站了40%左右,展位基本会配置华人员工 3、地球钻石手MicroStrategy的创始人Michael Saylor很火,排队合影 4、田纳西共和党的群众基础更好,对川普很拥护(从参会人大概也看出来,8个共和党,1个民主党) 5、萨尔瓦多也来摆展台了
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太幸运了...11 亿分之 1 的机率! 一台算力仅有 500 Gh/s 的比特币微型矿机 Bitaxe,在 24 日成功打包一个区块,依照当前比特币价格计算,获得价值约 206,000 美元的 3.19 枚比特币(区块奖励+手续费) 恭喜这位矿工,他很可能是第一个使用算力约 500 Gh 的 Bitaxe 矿机,在 Solo CKPool 矿池上独自挖出比特币区块的人! 比特币分析平台 CoinWarz 数据显示,目前比特币网路的总算力为 552.49 Eh/s,相当于 552,490,000,000 Gh/s,约是挖出此区块的 Bitaxe 设备算力的 11 亿倍, 这意味著该设备大约每 10 分钟(每个区块)仅有约 11 亿分之 1 的机率成功挖出一个区块。 根据台彩官网指出,大乐透头奖中奖率约 1/1398万,也就是说该矿机成功打包区块的机率,比中大乐透机率要再低百倍。
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Today, social media platform X (formerly Twitter) has removed the orange Bitcoin Emoji attached to the #Bitcoin label. Ordinals developer and Runestone initiator Leonidas tweeted, "X platform has deleted all emojis on the label, not specifically for Bitcoin #Bitcoin."
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BlockBeats pfp
According to Lookonchain monitoring, US Ethereum ETFs reduced their holdings of 100,230 Ethereum on July 25, worth approximately $316.22 million: Grayscale reduced its holdings of 140,214 Ethereum, worth approximately $442.38 million, and currently holds 2,489,075 ETH, worth approximately $7.85 billion; Fidelity increased its holdings of approximately 22,000 ETH, worth approximately $69.41 million, and currently holds 43,750 ETH, worth approximately $138 million.
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BlockBeats pfp
比特币大会开始了,看了下日程今天可能大家关注的议题不是很多。川普的演讲是在美国时间27号下午2点(北京时间28日凌晨1点) 如果您想看agenda可以参考之前律动小编筛选的一些:
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BlockBeats pfp
In the blockchain world, Ethereum has always been the first choice for many developers and users with its advantages of decentralization and smart contracts. With the rapid development of blockchain technology, Ethereum faces many challenges, including slow transaction speed, long block time and high transaction fees. In order to solve these problems and further improve the performance of Ethereum, MegaETH came into being. Does the market need other L2s at present?
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BlockBeats pfp
As one of the most widely known web3 media in the Chinese-speaking area, we are today announcing the integration of our user system into Farcaster. one of the reason which pushed we made the decisions is We carefully studied and imagined the future of farcaster, hoping that web3 social/content platform could carve out its own path after countless attempts and stumbles. Varun Srinivasan, co-founder and technical lead of Farcaster, recently sat down with ZK Podcast. We have compiled this Podcast content,and written down in Chinese&English, hoping to give you some inspiration and harvest
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BlockBeats pfp
Web3 社交聚合器 Yup 完成新一轮融资,Nascent、IDEO CoLab Ventures 及 Farcaster 联合创始人 Dan Romero 等参投,具体融资金额暂未披露。 Yup 愿景是开放社交平台在未来连接、创造、学习和获利方式中将扮演强大的角色。
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There's still a long way to go, Never stop!
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BlockBeats pfp
律动已经将用户系统接入Farcaster,支持并深入Web3变革力量!🥳 大家现在通过律动网页/app登录后可直接在社区页面发cast,而且在律动资讯内容下评论也都会展示在warpcast主页~ 如果您想体验律动Farcaster客户端,但账户内没有warps用来完成登录,只需在Warpcast发布“我想加入 Blockbeats社区,@blockbeatsasia.eth ”的Cast文,首批用户我们将给与补贴
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据财联社报道,京东将在香港发行与港元 1:1 锚定的加密货币稳定币。 据京东科技集团旗下公司京东币链科技 (香港) 官网信息,京东稳定币是一种基于公链并与港元 (HKD) 1:1 挂钩的稳定币,将在公共区块链上发行,其储备由高度流动且可信的资产组成,这些资产安全存放于持牌金融机构的独立账户中,通过定期的披露和审计报告,对储备的完整性进行严格验证。 此前 7 月 18 日,香港金融管理局公布稳定币发行人「沙盒」参与者名单,其中包括京东币链科技 (香港)(JINGDONG Coinlink)。
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谁来救救NFT市场? 据 DefiLlama 数据,多款蓝筹 NFT 距其地板价最高点已跌超 90%,其中包括: BAYC(高点回撤 93.33%); MAYC(高点回撤 94.41%); BAKC(高点回撤 97.62%); CloneX(高点回撤 98.24%); Doodles(高点回撤 91.91%); Moonbirds(高点回撤 99.07%)。
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The Block 数据显示,9 只以太坊现货 ETF 在美国交易所上市首日累计交易量超 10.19 亿美元。 灰度以太坊现货ETF(ETHE)首日净流出4.849亿美元;Bitwise以太坊现货ETF(ETHW)首日净流入2.04亿美元 交易额方面: 灰度以太坊信托(ETHE)以 4.56 亿美元的交易量领先,占总交易量的近一半; 贝莱德以太坊现货 ETF(ETHA)交易量为 2.4 亿美元,占比 24%; 富达以太坊基金(FETH)交易量为 1.36 亿美元,占比 13%。 与此对比,今年 1 月比特币现货 ETF 上市首日的交易额为 46 亿美元。
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BlockBeats pfp
罗老师又给推荐好工具了,请立刻马住 GIGACHAD FARCASTER生态系统地图可能是迄今为止最全面的FARCASTER生态系统项目数据库。 对于Farcaster新手和想要深入研究生态系统的人来说,非常有用!
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