Banterlytics ๐ฉ
Some numbers for "if you're here, you're based and early" by @antonmarrast and @ciniz Total holders: 10,831 Full set holders: 2,229 Full set count: 2,997 Wallets with 1 full set: 2,078 Wallets with 5+ full set: 42 Onchain Gaias holders: 2,229 Onchain Gaias holders with fullset: 1,030 Top 5 full set holders
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is full set just frames 1-7, or is it everything like all the variations of 7 and such?
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Banterlytics ๐ฉ
Yeh frame 1-7. Can have any of frame 7 variants
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frames? can someone point me to something I can read to make sense of what a frame is? Or jsut tell me either or haha
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