hey farcastoors, what do you think is the best race?
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1904 Summer Olympics men's marathon. -1st runner to finish hitched a ride in a car -Real 1st place was given brandy, raw eggs, and pesticide & was dragged over the finish -4th place took a nap and stole peaches during the race–_men's_marathon
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The peach stealer (Andarín Carvajal) was a Cuban postman (cc @dwr.eth for a prime example of Cuban resilience) who hitchhiked to the Olympics, ran in street clothes — he chopped the legs off his pants, & hadn’t eaten in 40 hours. He had to hitchhike b/c he’d just gone broke gambling in Nola. Again, he came in 4th.
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reminded me of the woman literally qualified for the olympics by participating in tournaments with less participants than the qualifying minimal leaderboard table, and paid for all her expenses 👌 the GOAT
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very good
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