Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
I continue to think Warpcast would benefit a lot from integrated polls :) In the base protocol, it's fine to make polls a plugin or some other construction that doesn't needlessly privilege them and uglify the software architecture. But at the UI level, I think they should be as integrated as Twitter/Mastodon polls.
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binji 🔴🎩 pfp
binji 🔴🎩
Polls that trigger smart contract actions based on results would be cool 👁️. Curious if some of the 4337 programmability extends to developers too. Aka if x then trigger Y features onchain.
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binji 🔴🎩 pfp
binji 🔴🎩
Smart accounts/4337*
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MetaEnd.degen — ᖽ🎩/dau pfp
MetaEnd.degen — ᖽ🎩/dau
If polls are recorded onchain it's definitely possible already
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