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binji 🔴🎩 pfp
binji 🔴🎩
would love any feedback !
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ezra pfp
Quick thought I’ve been meditating on: 1 billion onboarding brings a diversity of different cultures / people groups. I don’t personally believe an easy UI will keep people, but will help them come. People will want a deeper connection or will migrate to NormieChain. Think about how bland & highly used Facebook is.
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BRG pfp
Enjoyed this, thanks! Made me think of something I've been reflecting on: Does the space primarily grow from adapting the tech and the products to a bigger audience, or does it grow from more people becoming "crypto native".
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Carsten ✈️ pfp
Carsten ✈️
great read! you have chosen good examples to illustrate your point. though, I think the real emergence of onchain culture has happened in the last 1-2 years with L2s and less of an obsession with prices of NFTs. now they're simply part of daily activities. we will see more onchain life the next few years.
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