Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
@ccarella.eth @billzh and all @purple people @ajay is dealing w an increasingly common problem a lot of people are struggling w rn as Purple grows Is there a way we can set aside every 5th or 10th Purple for a bit and do a lottery for anyone who wants one, but doesn't have one yet?
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ken pfp
Do you have to buy purple to participate? What ways are there to participate in purple other than funding it (by buying it) or voting on proposals? Or I guess in other words, how does purple invite non-purple holders to participate?
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billzh.eth šŸŽ© @ FarCon pfp
billzh.eth šŸŽ© @ FarCon
Prop House is open to everyone and anyone can submit their ideas
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
This is interesting
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