billzh.eth 🎩 pfp
billzh.eth 🎩
What does it mean to have a social network where you can't delete anything? I don't think we have quite grasped the implications yet
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timdaub 🥝 pfp
timdaub 🥝
I‘ve end gamed this partially already when people hard turned against me during some discussions and I think it‘s actually not so nice. IMO Warpcast and FC needs to give much better safety tools and allow users to control more. E.g. I should be able to control my digital space 100%
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Lingo pfp
Wait… you can’t delete here?
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OG dad pfp
OG dad
If you publish something on a public social network, there should be no expectation that it can ever be removed. It can be removed from indexing, and thus "mostly hidden", but someone can always keep a copy. And since it is signed content on FC, it's can be proven to be a non-forged copy.
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ildi pfp
Being able to truly control and revoke access to your data is the ultimate dream. But without being anonymous, how can you stay private or make ppl forget something they've already seen and maybe made a copy of?
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Varun Srinivasan pfp
Varun Srinivasan
Is FC practically any different from X in this regard? In both, you can delete your content from the network, but people can preserve your content against your will be screenshotting or using APIs to download.
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dylan pfp
I guess you could say the same thing about onchain data as well, but I think it's so early and so much is being tested that even though it seems like a super impt question to be asking, it's not one we stop and think about all the time
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ildi pfp
Seems like the best course of action is to educate users on what it means to participate in an decentralized/permissionless social protocol before they sign up. For those who fear the negative implications, casting under a pseudonymous profile is a good option.
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dawufi pfp
realy good LLM training data
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Katherine pfp
It’s wrong and tbh I’m not the one but someone will sue, or there will be big problems over this in the future One kiddie porn pic could nuke Farcaster and get anyone who indexes in big trouble too
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Leighton pfp
It’s definitely not ideal. Should be some solve for it though
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Wesley— oss/acc pfp
Wesley— oss/acc
I've had some interesting discussions in this recently on Twitter.. IMO, Web3 social without privacy is NOT an upgrade
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Ashutosh pfp
Yes, and I wonder how Farcaster/Warpcast is going to comply with right-to-deletion requests Interesting thread on this:
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nulladdr.eth pfp
when was it ever possible to delete anything, i thought everyone keeps records
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Mac Budkowski 🥝 pfp
Mac Budkowski 🥝
If I had social media when I was a teenager and couldn't delete the posts, I'd have been canceled for sure. So either the society will start being okay with "People sometimes say dumb shit but they change their pov" or we'll all get canceled for our drunk posts from 7 yrs ago.
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greys ↑  pfp
greys ↑
I’ve been hoping for this to be the feature!
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David 🎩🤖 pfp
David 🎩🤖
Allows for more robust onchain and pseudonymous identities, which is a building block for many crypto usecases like under-collateralized lending.
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