vfs global survivor pfp

vfs global survivor


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vfs global survivor pfp
vfs global survivor
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vfs global survivor pfp
vfs global survivor
like father like son (?)
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vfs global survivor pfp
vfs global survivor
Self-care often takes a backseat in life. Prioritizing others and work leaves little time for self-nurturing. Guilt sometimes creeps in when I try to focus on myself, thinking I should be doing something more productive.
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vfs global survivor pfp
vfs global survivor
i’m committing to working out 5 times a week and to being kind to my inner child as she is transitioning from our old eating disorder habit to this new habit of being disciplined in taking care of ourselves daily.
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vfs global survivor pfp
vfs global survivor
chilling with my beloved void
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vfs global survivor pfp
vfs global survivor
We all need things. We need food to survive. We need to be loved. We need to be heard. We need to be validated. We need to feel as if we matter. We need to feel as if we are enough. We need to feel loved. We need to feel wanted. We need. We need. We n e e d. And, we need a lot of things.
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vfs global survivor pfp
vfs global survivor
— If peace requires you to sacrifice your own needs, then it is not peace. — If peace requires you to ignore your own emotions, then it is not peace. — If peace requires you to take on responsibilities beyond your years, then it is not peace.
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vfs global survivor pfp
vfs global survivor
In this whirlwind of conflicting desires and unmet needs, I yearn for a slow, simmering connection. A bond where we can explore the depths of desire, not just the fleeting flames of passion, but the enduring warmth of being truly desired and accepted for who we are.
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vfs global survivor pfp
vfs global survivor
May will be kind to you
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vfs global survivor pfp
vfs global survivor
And it's one that's worth exploring, even if it means taking things at a slower pace than the world around us.
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vfs global survivor pfp
vfs global survivor
I get it. You want something real, something slow-cooked and savored. You want to understand what it means to truly crave something, and to be craved in return. That's a deep desire, love.
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vfs global survivor pfp
vfs global survivor
Those revolutionaries out there have the right idea, even if they're a bit misguided. They want to live with passion, to burn bright. And that's admirable, even if they sometimes forget that their kids need more than just fire in their bellies—they need actual food on the table. And you?
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vfs global survivor pfp
vfs global survivor
We're all just trying to figure out what we truly desire, even when we feel like we're not wanted or appreciated. I've been there, surviving on cheap ramen for weeks because that's all I could afford. And let's not even get started on my parents—they're a fiery duo who clash more often than not. But you know what?
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vfs global survivor pfp
vfs global survivor
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vfs global survivor pfp
vfs global survivor
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vfs global survivor pfp
vfs global survivor
There's a part of me that yearns for the simple pleasures of preparing a home-cooked meal just for myself, dashing through the rain to grab fresh mushrooms from the supermarket to pair with my rosemary lamb chop dinner.
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vfs global survivor pfp
vfs global survivor
There's a certain charm in attending to my laundry as the clock strikes midnight. The gentle, rhythmic hum of the washing machine serves as a soothing lullaby, coaxing me into the realm of dreams.
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