JG pfp



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JG pfp
Really depends for what? We talking if you want burgers? Fries? Chicken sandwich? Best single specialty item? Honey Butter Chicken Biscuit at Whataburger is unbeatable Popeyes best chicken sandwich Then theres an unrankable top tier of fast food burgers that are all comparably good 🤷‍♂️ (5G, In-N-Out, SSha
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JG pfp
Just need qualitative curation to get better. CT would be so great if there was a meaningful way to filter out the shilling.
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JG pfp
Maybe dumb Q: why wouldn’t the royalties just be 0 in that case (and hypothetically marketplace clients could just make the assumption that a transfer with 0 erc20 value attached in this hypothetical would be a transfer and >0 as sale for display purposes eg last sale price)
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JG pfp
But that’s just a limitation of EIP-2981 as long term full solution though right? If gas costs were negligible to the consumer, the royalty requirement and distribution could be baked right into the transfer functions themselves rather than the fee being metadata as in EIP-2981
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JG pfp
On the flip side, the existence of a uniform system for numerical identity for digital assets could mean crypto grows not because it comes to handle RWAs but rather that the proportion of digital assets (which will be increasingly represented on chain) to RWAs grows
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JG pfp
Hardcore History by Dan Carlin though for the war history niche. Very fair recollection that is interesting without having to ever lean on “good vs evil” narratives
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JG pfp
That’s a very Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance perspective
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JG pfp
Wouldn’t this still effectively de-anon the ledger wallet? Can just find the original and then look at the owner address.
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JG pfp
The bar is now at knowing if a founder has diddled a horse.
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JG pfp
If only you could mix grip a pull-up like with DLs
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JG pfp
Going to the men’s restroom at the BTS exhibit in Seoul is the single cleanest untainted public bathroom experience I’ve ever had in my life.
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JG pfp
For folks familiar with Sui Move, what is meant by the difference between global/on-chain storage vs Sui storage? Referenced in the differences between Sui Move and Core Move documentation: https://docs.sui.io/learn/sui-move-diffs
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JG pfp
@amitmukherjee is the only FCer I’ve seen with liftcaster in their bio so prob start with him. I will say I’m on the calisthenics train now and years of powerlifting has done jack to prepare me for the way calisthenics forces you to confront muscle imbalances.
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JG pfp
Tangential but if I’ve observed anything at my past 3 companies, camera quality seems to have an inverse relationship with level/responsibility. Execs with hundreds of millions to billions of dollars worth of equity working with like Game Boy Color 15fps cameras.
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JG pfp
Is this at the National Museum of Korea? Was just there a few days ago.
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JG pfp
It'll be an cringey anachronism of early 2020s crypto culture like "coolbeanz" and "haz cheezburger" was for the mid-aughts. Having participated in the cringiness is not gonna be a big deal, but those not participating are not missing out on anything.
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JG pfp
I like the aesthetic of physical books and sense of linear progression. Highlighting/notetaking is more convenient with digital so I’ve come around to preferring digital books for close engagement. Physical for art/design books or aesthetically pleasing editions of books I love.
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JG pfp
Unchained is good for discussion with someone who has more of a professional journalistic background. Otherwise I like Bankless and Web3 with a16z (a bit newer)
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JG pfp
For a similar topic but from a more scientific exploration, you might like Evolving Brains: Early Humans and the Origins of Religion https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/34889233-evolving-brains-emerging-gods
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JG pfp
I answer if asked but I find it best to not to push it, especially with new friends.
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