🪷 pfp
Unluckily, the Worst Person on the Plane sat behind me, coughing the entire flight into their hands. Wish that I had Larry David as a Service LDaaS to suggest that they wear a mask next time out of consideration for their fellow passengers 🤦‍♂️😷
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🗿 ᛒᛡᚤᛇ pfp
🗿 ᛒᛡᚤᛇ
I’d do it I offer LDaaS This person in our neighborhood once parked across the sidewalks we were walking down and as we approached their inconveniently parked car walking our dogs, they said to us “beautiful dogs” to which I replied “terrible parking job” and walked out into the street to walk around them
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🪷 pfp
love it. I’m looking forward to the directness of Dutch culture for this reason. I wish that I had had a mask to offer them as one would offer a tissue
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