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I am generally avoiding posting about politics ahead of the US elections That said, I wanted to point out how tired and haggard both candidates look Every successive election seems to be becoming more exhausting and manic. It mirrors how exhausted the country is This is arguably more dire than the election itself
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It didn’t use to be this way, this bad The forced injection of an unsavory cult-of-personality character whose existence is fueled entirely by attention is what turned American politics into a true race to the bottom
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the fact that they all said 'this guy is awful he doesnt represent us' to active boot licking so quickly is the most disturbing part. they KNEW it was a fucking awful decision and still bought in cuz he shit all over them and riled up the rubes equally surprising after 8 years of seeing output, still ALL IN
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unfortunately for everyone else, the left realized they had to adopt a bunch of horseshit politics in response to the rise of the assholes on the right, and so now both sides are full of bullshit
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