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LXP 🎩🎭
The price of TON Coin (TON), the digital currency associated with Telegram, fell below $5 on Tuesday, hitting a 4-month low. This price reduction occurred after the arrest of Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of Telegram, in France. Over the past 24 hours, the price of TonCoin has fallen 4.1% to $4.95, representing a 26% drop in the last two weeks. The market value of this asset has reached 12.4 billion dollars and has been removed from the list of top 10 digital currencies. Durov's arrest and the recent outage of the network have intensified the price drop. About 70% of TonCoin holders are currently at a loss. Despite the 166% price growth last year, the project is facing challenges in terms of growth and ecosystem development. Experts believe that ToonCoin needs to focus more on technical solutions to attract developers.
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BH 🎩
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