Jesse Pollak šŸ”µ pfp
Jesse Pollak šŸ”µ
if you're building on Base, complete the Builder Quest! 1. deploy a smart contract 2. claim the NFT (designed with Andre Oshea)
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Brent Fitzgerald pfp
Brent Fitzgerald
did a very rough nft contract. mint a unique rgb color. (realized later i forgot to wrap the image in b64-encoded metadata, but oh well)
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Brent Fitzgerald pfp
Brent Fitzgerald
feedback: - actual deploy transaction was smooth, pretty quick. - base goerli gas was expensive! 84 gwei! - etherscan verification with forge yielded errors so i had to verify manually on the block scanner site.
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Jesse Pollak šŸ”µ pfp
Jesse Pollak šŸ”µ
thanks for building on base brent - let me know if you need more gas :)
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