Jason Goldberg Ⓜ️ 💜
Did you know that every cast earns $moxie? Cast interesting stuff. Earn. It’s that simple.
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Tokenized Human
Every cast can* earn moxie. That's an important distinction.
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Jason Goldberg Ⓜ️ 💜
If people find it interesting
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MattwithouttheT 🎩
Or if it’s casted by someone with an active following, or more importantly, a following of user with high farscores. Obviously “interesting content” is in the eye of the beholder, but getting reactions from the “right” users is as important, if not more important, it seems. And that’s not a complaint; just an observation. This is one reason I thought your cap on rewards per user pair made sense ✌🏻
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Tokenized Human
Or controversial, or valuable, or worthy of a like, a recast, or a reply. I was being pedantic and I'm sure most people already understand that it's not just casting that earns Moxie, but casting content that other users are compelled to interact with.
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