polynya pfp
After the heretic detour yesterday, I'm back to blathering about strict global consensus https://polynya.mirror.xyz/7pV8nHi9P0JNuS6kwB1Qvko2_eQrv1628IXLFEmOYb0
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berghans pfp
Hi polyna I've been a reader for a while and wanted to say thanks! Your articles helped keeping me sane! :D I was wondering if you have any articles which go a bit more in depth into your usage of the terms subjectivity/objectivity? Cheers!
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polynya pfp
Here you go: https://polynya.mirror.xyz/J4h5zqxmF1wRFXIAjrVnaayrH-GSoHdzl7xqR5aNFGY
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