Ben Roy pfp

Ben Roy


1058 Following

Ben Roy pfp
Ben Roy
We're so back I just made 0.11 ETH flipping an NFT for the first time in 80 years
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Ben Roy pfp
Ben Roy
Some thots on social media & what makes good accounts do so well
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Ben Roy pfp
Ben Roy
My bags (and why I hold them)
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Ben Roy pfp
Ben Roy
What do you want in life more than dopamine? If you don't have a good answer to that question you're just going to get skull fucked by the modern world, which was designed to capture your time, attention & money Study "man's almost infinite appetite for distractions" (Huxley)
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Ben Roy pfp
Ben Roy
I don't think it's possible for most people (especially retail) to actively manage a portfolio of more than ~12 tokens Probably the fewer positions (and more concentrated) the better Believe in something
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Ben Roy pfp
Ben Roy
What I struggle with most in crypto (by far) is decision fatigue There are dozens of niches, hundreds of ways to allocate capital, different career possibilities etc. And the open-ended nature of these opportunities makes everything feel SO cluttered I’m constantly trying to figure out how to narrow scope & focus
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Ben Roy pfp
Ben Roy
How do you feel about cross-posting content? If I post stuff the same stuff on Twitter and here, is that lame? I have similar followings, though do sometimes make Farcaster specific stuff Trying to figure out how to be active in both spots (in a sustainable way)
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Ben Roy pfp
Ben Roy
Biggest Ls this cycle so far
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Ben Roy pfp
Ben Roy
Ok team, final /words prompt for season one comes from Allison! πŸ‘‘ (better late than never) What are you thankful for? I’ll tip everyone who shares authentically (though tips are down bigly so will be modest haha πŸ’™)
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Ben Roy pfp
Ben Roy
God spoke to me in DMs, he said lock in
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Ben Roy pfp
Ben Roy
you won’t know when I hit a 1000x & got rich, but there will be signs
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Ben Roy pfp
Ben Roy
I'm actually euphoric right now at how many of my friends are absolutely fucking crushing it As traders, as content creators, as founders, etc. People say this a lot, but there's no better feeling than seeing your people win biiiigly
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Ben Roy pfp
Ben Roy
4 replies
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Ben Roy pfp
Ben Roy
On "slippage" in life & markets πŸ“
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Ben Roy pfp
Ben Roy
Alright bros, who needs to get paid? I have my full $degen allocation to tip and it's been a few weeks since I've dumped into this channel
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Ben Roy pfp
Ben Roy
you wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum where they raised me
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Ben Roy pfp
Ben Roy
What does it mean to be a β€œcrypto” person? πŸ“
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Ben Roy pfp
Ben Roy
My local Vancouver car sharing company started a points program today & you're bearish?
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Ben Roy pfp
Ben Roy
god grant me the serenity to accept the things that are so over, the courage to say fuck it we ball, and the wisdom to know when we are so fucking back
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Ben Roy pfp
Ben Roy
A financialized niche influencer card game that tracks engagement on twitter built on a multi-sig L2 with ponzi marketing and 24/7 jackpot opportunities
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