Gaby Goldberg
I grew my Twitter by tweeting about literally whatever I wanted, but now that I have an audience, I feel like I can't tweet about anything that interests me unless it fits within my "niche." Kind of sad. Big reason I love Farcaster... I'm all over the place here. As it should be!
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Any thoughts on what could prevent the same fate for this app? This seems to inevitably be a problem with scale and novelty that affects most social networks I can think of.
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It's a business model question. Web2 advertising models incentivize eyeballs. Hopefully web3 protocols like FC will crack the code of focusing on depth of relationship > quantity of ‘transactions’. I'm bullish that crypto incentives can help here.
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vrypan |--o--|
It's not about advertising. After a point you end up tweeting having the lowest common denominator (of interests, language, aesthetics, etc.) in mind. I totally feel you, @gaby.
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