Ben  🟪 pfp
Ben 🟪
Potentially controversial take for FC: I've decided to remove ALL social and financial-market tracking apps from my phone. I'll still use them, but only via desktop/laptop browser during intentional, structured time. I see more personal harm than benefit from having them immediately accessible anytime and anywhere.
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Chris pfp
Did that too. But I have some TG groups with really smart people who comment constantly on the crypto market. Much more insightful than a graph. So I’m still kinda exposed constantly.
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Aram Mughalyan.eth pfp
Aram Mughalyan.eth
Also remove email clients maybe?
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Mac Budkowski ᵏ pfp
Mac Budkowski ᵏ
Def. Haven't checked my portfolio in months, using social media only after 5 pm (sometimes on phone, though) 👊
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𝚐𝔪𝟾𝚡𝚡𝟾 pfp
Smart move. Honestly some of my security practices are a bit unorthodox (now) but I think they will prove to be beneficial in the long run.
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Eli pfp
i like this i notice myself opening farcaster/twitter when i have even a tiny moment of free time during the day (waiting in line, etc) just out of habit which doesn't make me feel good. would like to only social media intentionally, rather than as an instant cure to boredom
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Ben O’Rourke pfp
Ben O’Rourke
Been doing this for years… Farcaster is the only one I keep on my phone right now… only exception is when there’s a significant global news event - I download twitter to my phone and try to stay up to the minute - but then delete it after
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Patrick pfp
Can you use Farcaster on web? Like, cast, etc not just browse.
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max ⚡ pfp
max ⚡
Very oddly, I’ve always preferred doing banking over mobile. I’d do well to uninstall Twitter and Reddit though 🤔
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ace pfp
maybe i should do this too - i can’t seem to beat @dwr.eth anyway 🥲🔥
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zico pfp
good move. never installing FB on my phone made me pretty disciplined about this. I do have twitter on my phone but only for use with spaces, am pretty good about not checking it when I'm out doing stuff otherwise.
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