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Tay Zonday pfp
Tay Zonday
That’s a great question, Ben! No, local jurisdictions poison-pill taxing supply-hoarded, vacant housing is authentically libertarian and actually truer to Adam Smith and other darling “free market” philosophical antecedents. The National Association of Realtors being a multi-decade advocacy project lobbying for state power to enforce market-rigging conditions like closed bidding is “centrally planned”— Private bankers printing public money to later leverage religious (not-gold-backed) fiat currency and encourage unlimited infusions of foreign capital to inflate housing costs in rural Kansas by the global top 1% who mostly build non-USD wealth is “centrally planned”— Citizens behaving as rational market actors and hijacking state power to do so is the freest market imaginable. This assumes we are logical and fix selective amnesia among Ivy League economists and corporate business journalists.
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Ben pfp
If bottoms-up at the city council / neighborhood level, I agree. If top down from state or federal level, its still unclear to me how it'd be different from the examples you provided. Slight aside, I’m familiar with the role of private equity owners in SFR markets pushing up prices via increase demand and willingness to pay, but not as familiar with price fixing via intentional vacancy. Can you elaborate? Is there data you can share?
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Tay Zonday pfp
Tay Zonday
I see a slippery-slope fallacy here presuming that all “top down” tax policy creates the same outcome— in libertarian lore, the centralization demon robbing local actors of freedom. If we accept that slippery slope, the Federal Reserve is the most communist abomination imaginable, oppressing all of us with an unavoidable tax to private oligarchs any time government governs. Unless we eliminate the Federal Reserve and dozens of other top-down market-manipulating policy favoring oligarchs, a federal poison-pill tax on vacant housing would be the fairest: Just like our tithe to private bankers cannot be avoided, our tithe to sane reconciliation of housing supply with local capital supply should not be avoidable either. Commercial real estate is just as anti-market now, with banks price-fixing markets using clauses that poison-pill bill mortgage holders for lost value if they sell or rent beneath a certain price. Here’s some data: housing cost increases by state over 40 years. Compare to median wages
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Ben pfp
I agree we can't assumes the same outcome necessarily, that depends on the specific policy goal. In general though top-down policy in today’s political system more frequently contributes to less economic freedom for people who have less real voice in the decision. Yes the FED is centrally influencing markets via monetary policy, but its not creating or killing markets based on the desire to intervene in competitive forces when it doesn't like the outcome (the exception being if it presents an existential threat to the system). This is my understanding of what our discussion is about. Any data on intentional vacancies / price fixing?
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Tay Zonday pfp
Tay Zonday
With due respect, I think you are requesting an evidence double-standard here: When the rich benefit from longstanding market manipulation codified in law and policy that punishes billions of people, that’s just “nature” When the poor want to argue that market manipulation harms them, we need a Johnny Depp or OJ Simpson trial assessment of guilt before the billions can punish one individual. This idea that only rare “bad apples” disrupt the magic hand and inevitable perpetual growth of “free markets” is the basis of antitrust and racketeering laws. I do understand that if I formed a think tank and wrote a policy white paper advocating for taxation solutions to housing affordability, the investor class’s first rebuke would be to ask “Who’s doing this ‘intentional vacancy’ and ‘price fixing?’ Show us the e-mails. The texts. The backroom meeting locales.” A late mentor of mine, David W. Noble, wrote books on this double-evidence-sleight-of-hand:
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Ben pfp
Okay, I can see we have differing opinions on this and are unlikely to get closer to a shared view. That's okay. I appreciate the stimulating dialogue and the fact that we both agree housing prices are unsustainable. 🫡
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Tay Zonday pfp
Tay Zonday
All good— I appreciate your time and dialogue with intelligent people I disagree with! That never happens on Twitter/X without every hysterical clout-chasing primadonna dunk-fishing and trying to become the main character 😂
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Ben pfp
Btw, I bought the book. Looks like a good read
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Tay Zonday pfp
Tay Zonday
Awesome! He ran the American Studies Graduate Seminar for first-year Ph.D students at the University of Minnesota when I started my four years in the program in 2004. I quit with an MA in 2008 and did not finish the doctorate.
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Ben pfp
Explains why I enjoy our banter! Was on a similar trajectory but for development economics and I also pivoted. Would be curious to hear your reasons to choosing a different path :)
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Tay Zonday pfp
Tay Zonday
I had a viral YouTube video the year before I left (2008) and accidentally 10x-ed my teaching assistant income. I would have 1000x-ed it if I made smarter business choices, but hindsight is 20/20. I also had a delusion of becoming a Hollywood star as I rode the then-new wave of global digital video attention. Instead of buying real-estate in Minnesota while the market crashed (what I SHOULD have done), I moved to LA to chase that delusion for 12.5 years which was not compatible with Ph.D. studies. I also blew $300k renting in California while real estate 2.5-xed and everyone who bought during the crash value-stacked by doing things like getting married and raising families on home equity . . . so I have myself as a vivid data point! 🫠
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