Whelp, totally wrong about Abrams M1 tanks to Ukraine. I served two tours in Iraq (03-04/ OIF1, 05-06, OIF3) as a Mechanized Infanty and Heavy Cavalry Commander. I am now an entrepreneur and technologist. Inspired by @dwr.eth , ask me anything you ever wanted to ask a Veteran about war but never had the opportunity.
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Second question. Assuming that core military technologies continue preceding civilian use cases as they have for most of history, what types of capabilities we civi’s haven't seen yet do you hypothetically think our military has already? What about mid to late stage pipeline?
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Not my expertise, but I think proliferation of a variety of drones, specifically in supply logistics at scale, are something we would have eventually seen in Iraq and Afghanistan. I also think that the connected soldier is something that is still in development, but could translate into Police, EMT, Firefighters.
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