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Would you ever consider purchasing a small business? Why / why not?
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Potentially. Where do you look for leads? Online listings or off market?
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Samuel ツ
Yes. For 2 reasons 1) to get more customers without doing sales for when I want to expand this and team can handle it 2) to get awesome team members if I have too many customers and can’t serve them all
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Grit, إنشاءالله.eth
Yes definitely. Would be doing it if I didn’t have a start up. But the time and effort into finding the right one. Is vast. I’ve looked at many previously. And no business is perfect
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If I have to operate it: absolutely not Through a family office / or some sort of similar setup: yes
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Karan 🎩
If it has a recurring user base, doesn’t require a lot of my time/attention and becomes a good source of passive income, yes.
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