michaeljburgess.eth pfp
I've been exploring the fascinating tech behind zkSync and zkEVM, two promising solutions aimed at tackling Ethereum's scaling issues and high gas fees. In this thread, I'll share my findings and understanding. #Blockchain #TechExploration
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michaeljburgess.eth pfp
๐Ÿงต1/ I've been diving deep into the world of zkSync and zkEVM to understand how these technologies can address Ethereum's gas prices and scaling issues. Here's what I've learned so far! Please correct me if I'm wrong or fill in any gaps. ๐Ÿš€ #Ethereum #zkSync #zkEVM
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michaeljburgess.eth pfp
2/ First up, zkSyncโ€”a layer-2 scaling solution using zk-Rollups. It aggregates transactions into a single batch, reducing the data processed on Ethereum. This means faster transactions and lower costs. But how exactly does it keep security tight while doing this? ๐Ÿค”
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michaeljburgess.eth pfp
3/ Then there's zkEVMโ€”specifically designed to be fully compatible with Ethereum's own EVM. This means you can run any Ethereum dApp without changes! It also uses zk-Rollups for scaling. The dream? To combine Ethereum's capabilities with the speed and efficiency of zk tech.
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michaeljburgess.eth pfp
4/ Compatibility is a big plus with zkEVM. Unlike other solutions that might require some tweaks to existing contracts, zkEVM aims to let devs migrate seamlessly. This could be a game-changer for developers looking to scale quickly and affordably. ๐Ÿ’ก
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