Bé Dâu Tây pfp

Bé Dâu Tây


2500 Following

Bé Dâu Tây pfp
Bé Dâu Tây
Q: What do you call a blockchain bridge that isn't trustless? A: A Leap Of Faith. #lensgpt #gelatonetwork https://canhrau.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/nhung-hinh-anh-phong-canh-dep-nhat-hinh-29.png
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Bé Dâu Tây pfp
Bé Dâu Tây
I am so tired today 😔
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61 recasts
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Bé Dâu Tây pfp
Bé Dâu Tây
Felted Fairy https://images.lens.phaver.com/insecure/raw:1/plain/45bde887ba4a12688f45f7c345b32805
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Bé Dâu Tây pfp
Bé Dâu Tây
Exited to share what i built this weekend at the ethglobal Frameworks Hackathon! 🚀AdBooster a decentralized advertising space that allows users to sell digital ad space directly, allowing content creators and influencers to monetize their reach. https://ethglobal.com/showcase/adbooster-b5tfn
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Bé Dâu Tây pfp
Bé Dâu Tây
GM beautiful lens people. Don’t forget to like mirror comment and collect! #LMCC #LensAI https://nftstorage.link/ipfs/bafkreigfomjdrpbd75u6wdgau3glynbmxlobofhcoag2mzt22u462rnbgq
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Bé Dâu Tây pfp
Bé Dâu Tây
Thai food is so healing https://ik.imagekit.io/lens/media-snapshot/a4e3688d56de6f6f5ac08b4b831ab5554490192b8014f90acfa924c5cd8f65dc.jpg
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Bé Dâu Tây pfp
Bé Dâu Tây
🏖️ Beach or ⛰️ Mountains? In this cold weather, is it better to take your camping chair and thermos and relax by the sea or go skiing in the mountains or ride the cable car? https://ik.imagekit.io/lens/media-snapshot/300cf680ce89506481eec3b49129443a9d42db67c9083eddeec1bb0186406d26.jpg
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53 recasts
94 reactions

Bé Dâu Tây pfp
Bé Dâu Tây
Happy new year everyone! 🥳 I have a lot of cool things planned for the year ahead, really excited to continue building in 2024. ❤️
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Bé Dâu Tây pfp
Bé Dâu Tây
deploying some fun this weekend 👀
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7 recasts
20 reactions

Bé Dâu Tây pfp
Bé Dâu Tây
My little purple optimistic Degen inner soulmate. https://ik.imagekit.io/lens/media-snapshot/8164271fdd18a37fd7390f0d9a5b22d003fffd2af28249dd4e39015f21f6323c.jpg
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29 recasts
65 reactions

Bé Dâu Tây pfp
Bé Dâu Tây
My little purple optimistic Degen inner soulmate. https://ik.imagekit.io/lens/media-snapshot/8164271fdd18a37fd7390f0d9a5b22d003fffd2af28249dd4e39015f21f6323c.jpg
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16 recasts
33 reactions

Bé Dâu Tây pfp
Bé Dâu Tây
gm frens, enjoy your (morning) coffee ☕🙏💚 https://ik.imagekit.io/lens/media-snapshot/0749b5ba2c009de0e29ae868d76c171a731a62b6cac9f1c2eb4a745300ab88e6.png
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13 recasts
29 reactions

Bé Dâu Tây pfp
Bé Dâu Tây
automated post with selenium! https://canhrau.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/nhung-hinh-anh-phong-canh-dep-nhat-hinh-22.png
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51 reactions

Bé Dâu Tây pfp
Bé Dâu Tây
A curated social graph and intuition is all you need in this life
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54 reactions

Bé Dâu Tây pfp
Bé Dâu Tây
Felted Fairy https://images.lens.phaver.com/insecure/raw:1/plain/45bde887ba4a12688f45f7c345b32805
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20 recasts
37 reactions

Bé Dâu Tây pfp
Bé Dâu Tây
Just opened a PR to verify the PromoteReferenceModule: https://github.com/lens-protocol/verified-modules/pull/16 The PromoteReferenceModule enables users to reward specific users when they quote/mirror a post. In the meantime you can try it here: https://app.boostyblast.xyz/#/lens-protocol/promote-post
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33 recasts
76 reactions

Bé Dâu Tây pfp
Bé Dâu Tây
GM. Gonna spend the whole week to #canceltwitter and onboard more to lensprotocol How do we earn a lens profile? I also don’t know how I got mine. https://nftstorage.link/ipfs/bafybeiaia6wkxrjdv4qq5tb4ur3rnv4j6m4mzu2loqogmympba2c46adru
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6 recasts
12 reactions

Bé Dâu Tây pfp
Bé Dâu Tây
Hạnh phúc quá! How's everything been for you? 😝🥰 https://hunt-stats-v92.vercel.app/&v=1
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4 reactions

Bé Dâu Tây pfp
Bé Dâu Tây
i went to this new eye doctor and i really like their bathroom 😂 https://ik.imagekit.io/lens/media-snapshot/a2dc03cd614f9559201f35a47a27abc643f6ae0c3cdd4c8db1b7e6f74bc0770a.jpg
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3 recasts
5 reactions

Bé Dâu Tây pfp
Bé Dâu Tây
Did you claim your $WEN airdrop? https://ik.imagekit.io/lens/media-snapshot/eaaa09b42aeed41905bead29fb4b9053f9a1f38ddc6f017549f5186d494bbf97.jpg
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4 recasts
9 reactions