Beansbtc pfp
For lowcaps, I usually prefer to wait for coins to be 1-10m and AT LEAST several days old before I ape, it kinda eliminates the risk of rug etc But sometimes they straight shoot up, especially these days In that case, better to enter on the first 70% dip, there is always one, rather than chase the top Look for mindshare pointers: good influencers support, good raids from community A good meme ofc, sthg relatable to anyone, not sthg too niche. Sthg that anyone can easily meme too. Sthg that makes you laugh or smile. Better if it’s different from what’s already out there and not just a copycat A good community ofc, active on X and TG. When you have several great memeor in the community pushing original and funny memes, it’s often a good sign. The first 70% dip is a good way to see if the community has diamond hands or if everyone dips at the first sign of trouble Once I have full conviction I would go with good size (several Ks rather than several hundreds) Then it’s time to work for your bags
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