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Based on the news of Pavel’s arrest today I took the time to visit his Telegram channel. His writing history in the channel displays a clarity of thinking and commitment to transparency that is admirable. Here is his most recent post from August 14th. Hopefully it is not the last one ever.
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ciefa 🐌 eth/acc
Have you seen this?
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max 🎩🚂
this guy just hyping on the fact by being contradictory, throwing in articles by big media lol who themselves were farming views with those headlines and nothing to back it up
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max 🎩🚂
and you can read the accusations, it’s public already and has nothing to do with russia I’m left an ex soviet country myself, forever, and I know what it’s like, no money or KGB deals can may you do what he’s doing and grow a product with such love and care for all those years, the way he’s been doing business is top tier and on a level above what Zuckenberg did bootstrapped such a massively popular and independent company with only few dozen employees, having exemplary lifestyle too without buying yachts and such no wonder western media don’t like him lol and I feel sad every time seeing those tweets aimed only to hype on the situation for cheap, selfish account growth in followers and likes
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