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Murtaza Hussain
"Telegram will disclose users' phones and IP addresses to authorities at their requests, the messenger app's founder and CEO, Pavel Durov, said on September 23." Its over for Telegram. Durov caved really fast too.
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Ultimately this will be a net good I think. So many people trusted Telegram when it was never a secure option. Hopefully people will move to Signal and Session for more sensitive conversations, and web3 can move to XMTP finally 🤞
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max 🎩🚂
what can qualify as a sensitive conversation? we’re here on farcaster discussing things many governments would not like and possibly find it offensive already I don’t think I ever have said anything in my private conversations for what I could be punished / considered illegal So I don’t think there’s a need to move to signal unless you actually do something illegal or risking get jailed for political reasons, but also the countries where you risk it for political reasons - they don’t have access to most social media and messengers, including telegram
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I think all (not explicitly public/town square) conversations are sensitive enough that you might not want them to be fully public. Many are sensitive enough that you might not want them scrutinized by authorities or governments especially in situations where laws have changed since the data was gathered. And some are sensitive enough that folks from dangerously restrictive areas can never participate regardless of their contribution due to the potential toxicity of their digital paper trail.
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