Jayme Hoffman pfp
Jayme Hoffman
The term "floor" feels outdated for the majority of new NFTs. Every time I see it on a media, commemorative, or app NFT, it almost makes the product feel broken. No way floor goes away, but I do wonder if the successful NFT products and marketplaces from the previous cycle will be held back by this in the next one.
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Bård Ionson 🎩  pfp
Bård Ionson 🎩
For art (crypto art / NFT) floors by collection do not make any sense. There are hundreds of artists on SuperRare they all get one floor. If anything we need a way to sort by value per artist across many platforms.
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Bård Ionson 🎩  pfp
Bård Ionson 🎩
As an artist I feel forced into making my art fit into a collection. But I started in 2018 when collection s and floor prices were not a thing
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