Manu Bananu pfp
Manu Bananu
Meh... today Warpcast frustrated me a bit... How shall I connect to people in certain channels when I need to pay 100 - 1000 WARP for posting there? Maybe I don't wanna spend money right away during my testing phase. Sure I could boost my profile in some reply-channels but I'd rather not to go that way :/ Any tips?
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Cel pfp
Not sure to also understand how it works. I guess most of our cast cannot be seen by others if we have not enough "réputation"
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Kryptonite Ali pfp
Kryptonite Ali
other channels are free😅
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flight 🛩️↑  pfp
flight 🛩️↑
The good news is that the majority of channels are free to cast in, and many of them are full of folks qualified to answer questions. The paywalls on some channels are in place to reduce noise and keep the community on topic. It separates the corn from the chaff, if you will.
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