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balajis pfp
What is the emergent culture of Farcaster?
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balajis pfp
Context: I want to watch the Farcon talks as I couldn’t attend. But before I watch them I wanted to guess what would be in them, beyond frame development. I *think* the culture of Farcaster grows out of @dwr.eth and @v but it feels like there are emergent aspects too. And wanted to see if Farcon-goers had thoughts.
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tldr (tim reilly) pfp
tldr (tim reilly)
To me, it feels like the first social network that would — whether it realizes it yet or not — like to be a network state. Extremely high quality people, with a deep shared history, who enjoy each other so much that they would probably like to try to live together.
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David 🎩🤖 pfp
David 🎩🤖
Builders eat first
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phil pfp
Farcaster's culture is still very much a "social network for Ethereum" But that was the design from the beginning. The "emergent" (i.e. surprising) culture has been the growth of channels, which have been a key factor in the protocol's growth and created native spaces for builders to experiment with a small audience.
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leoclark.⌐◨-◨ ᖽ🎩 pfp
leoclark.⌐◨-◨ ᖽ🎩
I will go with @base 's Let's bring the world onchain 🫡 I think Farcaster plays a big role in this future.
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Liam 🎩🔮⛓️💊 pfp
Liam 🎩🔮⛓️💊
Build together. Thrive together.
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Darryl Yeo 🛠️ pfp
Darryl Yeo 🛠️
Builders appreciating being around other motivated builders. Builders building protocols and net new online experiences together.
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maksim ↑🐹🎩 pfp
maksim ↑🐹🎩
A lot of it is Based culture led by @jessepollak and base team focusing on builder values
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​woj — q/dau pfp
​woj — q/dau
farcaster user = someone who shows up everyday creates software / art / communities and appreciates others doing so
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adrienne pfp
I gave a talk at the 1st FarCon about Farcaster being a scenius and followed up this year to reaffirm it’s still alive Mutual appreciation Rapid exchange of tools/techniques Network effects of success Tolerance for novelties
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Mark 🍡 pfp
Mark 🍡
Farcaster is bringing a lot of builders and possibilities. Especially ones like @jtgi Twitter ruined that with their sudden API price spike basically killing off any hobbyist developers. Minting and gated communities for social-fi seems to be popping off a bit too.
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chris eberle pfp
chris eberle
build fast, ship fast, learn fast, repeat support others in doing the same
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BORED 🥱 pfp
Remember when Twitter had open APIs and encouraged people to build interesting things on top of it? It feels like that for Farcaster.
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Austin pfp
I’m not sure yet. But something like undirected optimism, unapologetically unfiltered conversations, & this
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Jean Hansen pfp
Jean Hansen
My feeling is an Onchain Culture. This is very strong here. In the political spectrum, I would say center-left libertarian-ish, imported from Ethereum, I guess.
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Petra ⊙ 🪼 pfp
Petra ⊙ 🪼
I would sintetizose it with: - builder culture - high trust, high support - wholesome attitude
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vishal pfp
Optimistic builders
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Rafi 🍋 pfp
Rafi 🍋
Farcasters orient themselves around building and supporting each other with their work. I met many attendees that got encouraged to work on side projects because of people here. There is a sense of charting an uncharted territory with an optimistic outlook A sense I don’t feel in many places on the internet
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Mac Budkowski 🥝 pfp
Mac Budkowski 🥝
Farcaster users feel the need to co-create the network they use. Whether it's by giving feedback to dwr & v, running channels, or building frames, actions, or clients. I think it's a big change compared to the passive experience of web2 social networks.
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