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balajis pfp
The decentralized version is more valuable. Bitcoin is worth $1T and PayPal is worth $64B. Ethereum is worth $400B and Stripe is worth $65B. So, if Farcaster really takes off as a protocol, and it’s getting there, it could be even more valuable than existing social media companies.
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balajis pfp
Note: this doesn’t reflect negatively on PayPal and Stripe, which are great companies and very hard to build. Note also: Linux has created many more trillions in value than its closed source predecessor, AT&T Unix. Old hat today, but that was huge in the 90s and 00s.
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MOLO pfp
Interesting point but does the thesis change if I tell you I have defeated you in the rock paper scissors tournament
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0xlapi 🎩 pfp
0xlapi 🎩
Is it getting there? Feels like a playground for crypto natives. How is it going to attract actual normies? How is it going to compete?
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Fractal Visions🎩🌱 pfp
Fractal Visions🎩🌱
Absolutely 💯!!! The value of all these big brains 🧠 coming together is no joke.
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Nelson pfp
Farcaster isn’t a public company so it doesn’t need to be worth anything. That’s the whole point of what we’re doing here. 🙃
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stellabelle🎩 pfp
Not everything revolves around “valuation”, for example the gift economy…. Valuation is part of the ego which is destroying us.
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agusti 🎩 pfp
agusti 🎩
thoughts on /quilibrium becoming the actual bigger thing, farcaster as is *The protocol* is too limited to text-based twitter clone media. warpcast can centrally work around it (imgur api's, direct casts offchain, etc) but i think custom clients for youtube, or tiktok, will prob not be really doable on top of farcaste
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Alex 🎩 pfp
Alex 🎩
Fingers crossed 🤞 That would be something indeed
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ton.🤜🤛 pfp
How do we buy farcaster
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oliver pfp
What do bitcoin and paypal even have in common? Or stripe and Ethereum? weird comparison...
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0xZara.eth🎩 pfp
Absolutely, @balajis.eth ! The value in decentralization is clear as day. Comparing Bitcoin and Ethereum with traditional giants like PayPal and Stripe showcases the immense potential. With Farcaster’s trajectory, we’re not just reaching for the stars, we’re crafting a new cosmos!
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hanjiang🎩 pfp
To da moon
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Maksim ↑🎩 pfp
Maksim ↑🎩
And it's worth this much without even having a professional branding or an easy entry or mass adoption. It'll truly take over the world as soon as it becomes easier for every person to get it and intuitively start using. That's exactly what farcaster and warpcast is after with it's approach.
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kurita🇯🇵🎩🍖🔮🔵 pfp
nice! 200 $DEGEN
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Jacob pfp
... does this mean farcaster will launch a token?
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