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balajis pfp
Yes. Virtue is good because it’s decentralized self-control. The more virtuous the society, the more self-disciplined, the less need for centralized law enforcement, rules, and punishment in general. Virtue is why we can have nice things.
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tldr (tim reilly) pfp
tldr (tim reilly)
The US Founders are famous for being the harshest realists about human nature, and designing incentive structures that account for it. But even they all agreed on the crucial role of virtue!
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Ben  🟪 pfp
Ben 🟪
Is there a distinction between virtue and trustworthiness?
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daivd 🎩👾🔵 pfp
daivd 🎩👾🔵
"I tell you that virtue is not given by money, but that from virtue comes money and every other good of man, public as well as private."
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kartal 🎩🔵 pfp
kartal 🎩🔵
You can feel this contrast in Apple stores. Compare Japan and Korea to California. In Japan and Korea, none of the electronics are bolted down because it’s a high-trust society. A video just went viral of a man in California looting an entire store. No one stopped him. Which society would you rather live in?
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Nick Naraghi ↑🧢 pfp
Nick Naraghi ↑🧢
Assuming it isn’t bigcorps or government, what approaches to stable and distributed Virtue do you think would work for a network state?
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agusti 🎩 pfp
agusti 🎩
i like nice things
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Eric pfp
thank you @balajis.eth core values matter /readwriteown
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Prosocialise Foundation 🎩 pfp
Prosocialise Foundation 🎩
Our society spends 1.5T$ a year on fostering consumption, by promoting greed, insecurity, lust, gluttony, pride and jealousy. We each have to to sell our products to earn a living and survive. If instead of that we fostered understanding of fundamental emotional needs, war and poverty would end in a month.
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Prosocialise Foundation 🎩 pfp
Prosocialise Foundation 🎩
Raising awareness and educating about fundamental emotional needs should be the main activity of government. Good leaders mostly just communicate well the shared goal. Humans develop pathologies if our findamental needs aren't satisfied, and thus become a burden or a danger to everyone else. So meeting them is the key.
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Prosocialise Foundation 🎩 pfp
Prosocialise Foundation 🎩
Fostering virtuous behavior is the purpose of the Prosocialise Foundation (nothing to do with socialism, just prosocial behavior). We don't have funding yet but are determined to succeed anyway. All fees of this vault go to fostering good behavior
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Nick pfp
Education underpins virtue and sadly education systems in most countries set a really low bar for virtuous living for most, if not undermine it entirely
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Lex Sokolin pfp
Lex Sokolin
Could you have a culture or social order that is not virtuous, but the rules and laws are still largely internalized and therefore have small government? I feel like religions perform this function
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George🎩 pfp
The pursuit towards virtue requires self reliance which lies in direct opposition to a government being the “caretaker for all who cannot care for themselves.” When government is your god why does virtue matter?
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YES2Crypto 🎩 🟪🟡 pfp
YES2Crypto 🎩 🟪🟡
4500 $DEGEN before I forget. Please don't let me derail the convo
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