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Austin Green
I’m in the minority here, but I’m skeptical of the DAOs ability to successfully fund offchain software. - Funding for non-public goods software is a solved problem - Software gradually decays even when open source (does the DAO need to pay maintainers forever?) - Judging quality is by committee is suboptimal
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Noun 40
yes, which is why I think we should focus on funding public software. non-public (non-open source) software has enough capital competition that nouns treasury and governance structure is not well suited to compete.
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I was thinking similarly. DAOs, but as a Bootstrapping mechanism for Open Source Software. Nouns generates a decent amount of Open Source software, would be nice if more of it was re-used and less fragmented.
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Noun 40
a good amount it reused in many places! prop house used by base. agora used by ens, optimism, uniswap, etc
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Prop House is the most successful by far. Second in stars and PRs only to NounsDAO main repo. It also generates Open Source software itself via the rounds. It’s difficult to find long tail OSS use outside of major repos like Prop House. I’ll include an image of PRs overtime for PHouse, Nouns, Lil’s, and Builder
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Austin Green
I wonder if prop house hasn’t seen much competition because it was started by a nounder This also keeps incentives aligned. The DAO doesn’t need to worry about prop house becoming closed source, raising venture, and shifting focus to monetization
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You make a good point. The incentives discussion is a bit complex, but from the data, the short tail of Nouns Open Source activity is 3/4th Nounders funded or initiated. The only outlier is Lil Nouns, which was funded by NSFW. The long tail has some great projects too, just nothing on this scale.
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