b-rad.eth pfp
Gnosis safe is audited by G0 Group, by a guy named Adam Adam Kolár. Most of his audits are for Gnosis, and I can’t find ANY info on him or G0 Group online. Anyone able to vouch for him / point to any other audits? https://github.com/safe-global/safe-contracts/blob/main/docs/Gnosis_Safe_Audit_Report_1_3_0_Final.pd
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Varun Srinivasan pfp
Varun Srinivasan
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maurelian  pfp
He was an early auditor at Solidified.io G0 did a lot of auditing for Argent wallet as well. Don’t know their work super well otherwise. I trust gnosis safe more for its battle testing and lindyness than anything else tho.
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Joan pfp
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