Andy W pfp

Andy W


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Andy W pfp
Andy W
"Magic happens when at least one person—a writer, a photographer, or an editor—has been allowed to fall in love" Nathan Heller, writing about magazines but really any creative or curiosity driven thing
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Andy W pfp
Andy W
almost 50 years later this sounds no less radical than it must have sounded on national TV in 1978
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Andy W pfp
Andy W
this is something else riveting
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Andy W pfp
Andy W
Dieter Rams' Ten Principles of Good Design
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Andy W pfp
Andy W
sunday gm "It's always a turn on for me to get to sing one of my own romantic songs in public" - Lou Reed, introducing this performance (found via the often wonderful and serendipitous youtube algorithm)
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Andy W pfp
Andy W
on many days, this is my favorite song of all time
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Andy W pfp
Andy W
Intensity as Violist Poetry by Michelle Burke
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Andy W pfp
Andy W
Weekend reading/listening/watching First, two essays on memory dropped on the same day! - one from @simondlr "we’re sometimes supposed to forget things"
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Andy W pfp
Andy W
"Merely imitating your heroes is not flattering them. Transforming their work into something of your own is how you flatter them. Adding something to the world that only you can add" - Austin Kleon feels like this applies to many things
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Andy W pfp
Andy W
"An artist is an anti-social creature in a room doing something by themself" - Richard Prince
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Andy W pfp
Andy W
i actually like judging a book, movie, record by its cover the cover can tell you a story in and of itself, draw you in to want to learn more it's like a cold open to an artist's vision - im all for more of that what are some elite album covers, one's that tell you a story and would make you give a listen knowing nothing else this one, for one
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Andy W pfp
Andy W
This essay is an example of original thinking and very very good writing It challenges the orthodoxy around consumer subscriptions by defining something called the "trust tax" and the "economic value of trust" Recommended!
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Andy W pfp
Andy W
also really great sean baker jams
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Andy W pfp
Andy W
Reuniting on stage with your tribute band is an elite way to reunite
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Andy W pfp
Andy W
"I called it re-photography. I didn't know what I was doing" wonderful, wonderful conversation about art, how it happens, why it happens and how someone jumps into the unknown, the adjacent possible, assuming there is no way it could work
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Andy W pfp
Andy W
"It was electrifying to think about how much more music there was in the world left to hear" Hua Hsu - Stay True
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Andy W pfp
Andy W
Recommended, highly Harry Law with a very different take that most of what I am seeing fwiw I have always has a distaste for the word "slop" as I guess I find it elitist, judgmental and ahistorical This essay put into words why I thought that, better than I could have
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Andy W pfp
Andy W
"You know how to talk wisely, my friend. Be aware of too much wisdom!" - Hermann Hesse, Siddhartha
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Andy W pfp
Andy W
this is, well, radically innovative Goole AI co-scientist collective intelligence in action
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Andy W pfp
Andy W
then that thing happens where you serendipitously hear a lyric and fall in love with music all over again "I don't think that I'm as smart as You think I am"
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