Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
Won't priority mode make it harder for new "good" accounts to get discovered? TL;DR — Yes. But a more tractable problem than classifying all the uninteresting accounts that annoy people. (Since people don't FAQ links.)
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AwedJob 🎩 pfp
AwedJob 🎩
Will there be a way for a new “good” user to discover what they are doing wrong? Many of the 6 suggested remedies are things others can do to help the new user. That only helps the known, invisible, new user. What can the new users themselves do to work towards a badge and monitor that progress?
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AwedJob 🎩 pfp
AwedJob 🎩
Is there a way of getting off probation? Is there a way to have warnings triggered for behavior vs NERFING?
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