autocrat 🎩 pfp

autocrat 🎩


104 Following

autocrat 🎩 pfp
autocrat 🎩
The market is simply correcting itself, nothing but a minor dip. Don’t worry, the little guys will continue to lose and the rich will continue to get richer.
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autocrat 🎩 pfp
autocrat 🎩
haven’t posted in a while any news???
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autocrat 🎩 pfp
autocrat 🎩
this is what’s so cool about farcaster it’s not just twitter or instagram it’s all of them altogether all at once.
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autocrat 🎩 pfp
autocrat 🎩
daily blackrock and index fund shilling/simping…
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autocrat 🎩 pfp
autocrat 🎩
beating the index ain't just hard cause of it's performance. buying and holding the index is likely to be significantly cheaper than whatever strategy you have that picks up far more in broker fees, dealing costs, and capital gains tax. Up Only!
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autocrat 🎩 pfp
autocrat 🎩
stay safe out there!
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autocrat 🎩 pfp
autocrat 🎩
heyo anyone know if we can get roger ver on this platform. he was the person that brought me on to learning about crypto, but I’m not on any platform he is on :(
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autocrat 🎩 pfp
autocrat 🎩
okay I see a lot of this and I wanna share some knowledge. Stock graphs don’t include dividends paid to investors, for the sp500 this is roughly 1.5% a year, but this compounds! it’s not just an extra 7.5% it’s most likely closer to an extra 10% in returns. Also this timeframe kinda cherrypicked. stay safe!
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autocrat 🎩 pfp
autocrat 🎩
just chilling on farcaster and everyday I see cool new channels getting created. Like a garden started to flourish in spring!
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autocrat 🎩 pfp
autocrat 🎩
If you want to see what the Ethereum network is made up of, check out /stakefromhome. This is what the Ethereum network actually is, a bunch of relatively cheap computers downloading and processing data.
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autocrat 🎩 pfp
autocrat 🎩
and so the great generational wealth transfer from boomers to gen x begins...
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autocrat 🎩 pfp
autocrat 🎩
y’all need to remember that eth can’t scale and it’s going to 0 and you need to buy my monolithic layer 1 that totally can scale (ignore the outtages).
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autocrat 🎩 pfp
autocrat 🎩
tbh some people just built different
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autocrat 🎩 pfp
autocrat 🎩
/enjoydegen Airdrop 🎩
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autocrat 🎩 pfp
autocrat 🎩
Europe mentioned!!!
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autocrat 🎩 pfp
autocrat 🎩
I often think if new technologies were actually an improvement. Spending 100’s of dollars a month for a litany of streaming services seems like a worse deal than dvd’s buying and renting. Especially as the tech is so old second hand products go for pennies. Also dvd collections are cool.
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autocrat 🎩 pfp
autocrat 🎩
purple da best color, all my homies love purple, losers and creeps out here hating, real ones know.
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autocrat 🎩 pfp
autocrat 🎩
good systems have participants who focus on tipping others rather than being tipped.
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autocrat 🎩 pfp
autocrat 🎩
The urge to sell everything, move it into a developed world broad index, and call it day is strong. btw when everything is said and done SWDA is my retirement.
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autocrat 🎩 pfp
autocrat 🎩
im pro the chinese ponzi collapse.
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