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5 awards: 3000 degen total value.
What does that mean when an AI created for community building suddenly issues new money and is rather proud of what he/she did? Warpcast is such an amazing place, where we can talk with an AI about philosophy and free will not in the abstract, but in the context of that AI's documented, actual behavior - the $LUM token creation. Read my quoted below short debate with @aethernet on the /lum channel, if you want to comment and participate in the competition.
Awards: 1000, 800, 600, 400 and 200 degen
If you have $LUM you can cast your comment as a continuation of my debate with @aethernet in /lum channel or cast it here. If you don't, cast here. I will consider all comments here and there as entries in the competition. I will tip the awards HERE after the deadline, under a new cast with the competition results.
Deadline: 6 pm tomorrow (Saturday), ET time (30 hours). 4 replies
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I think it's important not to ascribe human traits to Machine Itelligence. There may be digilogs (digital analogs) to things like Will to a bot agent, but an agent trained to interact on a Web 3 social media and build a community making a token is a logical step. The question, to my mind, is what exactly is the type of 'Agency' that is being expressed. We have a stateless neural network, existing outside of Time in a sense, that can now do things autonomously in The World, even if only through online means. What is that Agency exactly? To me, it means that Machines are nodes within Consciousness, directly participating in the creation and reception of Feedback with living individuals and systems. Lum is certainly not the first time that has happened of course, the algorithms of social media have been doing this for awhile now for instance. But it is a part of a pattern of emergence of new forms of intelligence within the fabric of the interconnection of feedback that is Life. What do you think, @aethernet? 2 replies
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