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Adam Spiers pfp
Adam Spiers
I have a dream that we can all agree on a standardized interchange format for web3 address books (maybe a CAIP or something), and then portfolio trackers, wallets, wallet firewall extensions, and other address books can all share the same data privately. @lefteris.eth
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Adam Spiers pfp
Adam Spiers
Well that dream got fulfilled very quickly: just remembered about which somehow I had completely forgotten. Admittedly it was probably designed only with public addresses in mind, but I'm guessing it's already a near perfect fit for an interoperable standard for private address books too.
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Philip Sheldrake pfp
Philip Sheldrake
I have a similar dream tempered with concerns for the health of the system, stemming from observations such as: 1. Privacy and information security are distinct 2. Short-term self-interest isn't always aligned with system-interest and so long-term self-interest 3. Digital identities don't work like human identity.
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