Ash Prabaker pfp
Ash Prabaker
Gym goers: What’s the best advice you have for staying consistent but still pushing yourself?
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Ash Prabaker pfp
Ash Prabaker
Thanks everyone, am psyched - world ain't ready for where I'll be in 6 months 😈
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Mac Budkowski ᵏ pfp
Mac Budkowski ᵏ
Good gym routine: same road, +/- same time, having all gear prepared beforehand and fallback audio. When I have a great day I work out without my headphones on. If it's okay, I'm listening to Joe Rogan. If it's bad, I'm listening to metal music. If it's terrible, I'm listening to David Goggins 😂
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
Focus on building the habit of showing up. Until you’ve proven to yourself that you can stick with it consistently, don’t ever skip going to the gym. Modify the workout on really low energy days - change it to just one push-up if you have to - but always show up to the gym. That’s the foundation.
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osama pfp
1. mood follows action: just show up 2. segmentation: take it one rep at a time. it’ll be over soon. just focus on next rep
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Jason — ⚪↑🎩🐹 pfp
Jason — ⚪↑🎩🐹
Underrated advice: do something that feels like play. Makes consistency much easier
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lücas  pfp
viscerally hate everybody there including all staff members and channel that hate into productive ends such as fuelling your motivation to get shredded
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Paul Millerd pfp
Paul Millerd
Go to a gym where it’s easy to hangout and befriend people!
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Liang /degencast SOON🎩 pfp
Liang /degencast SOON🎩
choose the nearest gym obvi
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Kirill pfp
Key for me has always been: doing something is better than nothing. There are days I want to push hard, but I have an injury or some ailment preventing me. Over time building consistency has a compound effect. Going on days you don’t want to go matters a lot more than going on days you’re super motivated.
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Liang /degencast SOON🎩 pfp
Liang /degencast SOON🎩
every time you need to pee, do 10 push up or no pee for you
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