Ashoat pfp
1/ really interesting read, especially in light of Nikita Bier's recent tweet: I appreciate the nuanced take in the linked article a bit more than Nikita's imo "launch and then iterate" is sometimes good advice and sometimes bad
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Ashoat pfp
2/ I've previously talked about what I think is "broken" with startup dogma as I see it, the issue is that startups that need "launch and then iterate" have a well-developed playbook, esp. in a venture-backed context
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Ashoat pfp
3/ but otoh, some startups need more of a "build it and they will come" mentality, and this is who I think Nikita is talking to I think there's a big oppo in venture here. these projects take a lot more $$ to test, so it doesn't always make sense in a venture-backed context but if there's a big enough upside...
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