Ashoat pfp



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Ashoat pfp
not to pick on this one user, but the unfortunate reality is that there's no way to give users privacy without resulting in some abuse it's a tradeoff we have to be conscious about, and one that I'll gladly take privacy is a human right
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Ashoat pfp
whoa, XMTP integrated MLS ( huge improvement to their encryption, and exciting to see them support group messaging now
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Ashoat pfp
sad to be missing this one. def check it out if you're into consumer crypto!!
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Ashoat pfp
got my prize from @gramajo.eth in the mail today!! šŸ¤© thanks for doing this giveaway, what a sick collection and so carefully wrapped šŸ™
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Ashoat pfp
i tried the new NY mobile ID (ā€œmidā€) app unfort doesnā€™t work with the Wallet app like some other states do it makes you take a selfie when you set it up and displays that as your photo ID overall feels a little janky and mid. about right for NY public services lol
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Ashoat pfp
the intern is too powerful
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Ashoat pfp
the wildest thing about openai x nsa is that itā€™s almost definitely intentional signaling openai seems to think the additional trust from US gov is worth the reduced trust from consumers
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Ashoat pfp
ā€œThis research explores the innovative integration of Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) systems with Account Abstraction (AA) to enhance privacy, compliance, and user experience on the Ethereum blockchain.ā€
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Ashoat pfp
i have lost control of the @comm.eth account
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Ashoat pfp
love this convo!! nuanced disagreements / friends learning together imagine the same convo on Twitter
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Ashoat pfp
love that weā€™re saying ā€œbuildā€ instead of ā€œbuidlā€ now tbh hoping the same thing happens to ā€œfrenā€
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Ashoat pfp
I'm pretty hype for our new Comm code corner series
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Ashoat pfp
Matt Green with a good technical primer on what Appleā€™s PCC is really doing
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Ashoat pfp
noticed that Warpcast DCs have both of issues I described here in 2022: check out `ClearableTextInput` and `SelectableTextInput` over here for solutions: feel free to copy-paste!! @comm.eth is BSD-licensed
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Ashoat pfp
jesus Google really has gone downhill
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Ashoat pfp
1/ really interesting read, especially in light of Nikita Bier's recent tweet: I appreciate the nuanced take in the linked article a bit more than Nikita's imo "launch and then iterate" is sometimes good advice and sometimes bad
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Ashoat pfp
love @markfishman's framing here. one of most appealing things about building in the FC ecosystem for me is the abundance of angel users: people that are excited to try new things, excited to be early, and excited about having an impact on the products they try
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Ashoat pfp
Interesting account of recent Google Search decline. Comes across as really biased but the overall story of search quality "rotting" feels right
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Ashoat pfp
Hochul just "indefinitely paused" the rollout of congestion pricing honestly I hate her now
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Ashoat pfp
Could not agree more YC's "iterate and test quickly" is startup dogma at this point. Most of the ideas that can succeed with that strategy have been tried Leaves an opportunity for different approach: long-term strategic thinking, obsessive founders
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