Alex pfp
Do you think you grew as a person during the Pandemic? Do you think you’d be a better person with or without having it happened? I’ve heard mixed responses from people when I’ve asked this.
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pugson pfp
i grow as a person with more time on this planet so the pandemic has not affected that process too much, maybe slightly slowed it down. it impacted my wellbeing in a negative way by deregulating my sleep even more and increasing my adhd + procrastination. trying to work on fixing that to have a better future.
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Alex pfp
Yeah, I could see that being the case to extent for me as well. I was a senior in hs during 2020 and going from all my time being spent in school to online (which was a joke) was a massive shock to the system . Ultimately though, that free time I had led me to crypto and learning to code.
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pugson pfp
yeah i can't imagine having school entirely online, what even is the point... hope you can get even better IRL time with fun people in the future
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