Points Calculations Sophon Farming is a way to earn rewards by staking your tokens in various pools. This guide explains how the system works and how to optimize your earnings.
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Key Concepts Points are generated every block and shared across pools Your earnings are based on your staked tokens Boosting can increase your rewards Pool values determine point distribution Some pools may have a multiplier greater than 1
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Points Distribution Block Generation Every block, a fixed number of points (10 SPs) are created and distributed among active pools based on their relative value. Example: Imagine we have 3 active pools with a combined value of $1,000:
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Pool A: $500 value (50% of total) Gets 5 SPs per block (50% of 10 SPs) Pool B: $300 value (30% of total) Gets 3 SPs per block (30% of 10 SPs)
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