I’m sorry to say this, but… Post more, build less
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For the health of the network How many tokenized curation platforms does a network with a few thousand active users truly need
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Liang @ 🎩
what are some of the tokenized curation network?
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artlu 🎩
I am sunsetting the BCBHShow Community Curation action, after learning a lot by building it. Directing users to try alternatives: - if you want to get paid, @degentokenbase tipping via /warpcast, @moxie-support + /degencast - if you want to pay, /kiwi-news - for something entirely new, /artcoin
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artlu 🎩
I had wished to explore with BCBHShow Community Curation: - upvoted by accts I follow - upvoted by accts followed by accts I follow - upvoted by like-minded community members, even if I don't follow them (yet) I assume that technology can enable elevation of many different voices. "Different strokes for different folks" rather than "Down with the web2 gatekeepers, Long Live our own new Web3 Gatekeepers"
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