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ildi pfp
Both @v and @dwr.eth unfollowed me today because of this. Great example of the leadership and transparency being praticed on Farcaster. Keep up the good work guys πŸ‘
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Garrett πŸŽ©β†‘α–½ pfp
Garrett πŸŽ©β†‘α–½
what do you suggest warpcast implement to mitigate bot behavior and outright farming?
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ildi pfp
No more suggestions and feedback from me on how to improve this platform. I’m just here for the lulz now
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🎩.artlu.ethπŸ‘ƒ- ε‘‚Kunst pfp
🎩.artlu.ethπŸ‘ƒ- ε‘‚Kunst
for the record, @ghostlinkz.eth has made many suggestions and given feedback on how to improve the platform. A fair question to ask, and a fair answer IMO
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