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Inconsequential Love Poem #41
We walked through the fields with our hands intertwined
Through tulips, and daisies, and dandelions
The sun poked through clouds and lit up the world
No star shines as brightly as you do my girl
Then out of nowhere rain started to fall
But it wasn’t water falling down from the sky after all
It was diamonds, and emeralds, and gold coins and pearls
The heavens proclaim that you’re a treasure my girl
The blue sky was painted over with clouds so dark
They swallowed up the robin, the finch, and the lark
The fingers that reached down in a skeletal swirl
Try as they might, won’t separate us my girl
The gloom finally broke and the sun was resplendent
We danced and we laughed and we sang unrepentant
Whether a Prince or a peasant, a Duke or an Earl
You’ll always be Queen of my Kingdom, my girl
When we arrived home safely from our experience
That started off certain, wound up being mysterious
In bed woven together in a kink and a curl
Allow me to lose myself inside you my girl 3 replies
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