Ariane Audet pfp

Ariane Audet


204 Following

Ariane Audet pfp
Ariane Audet
Coming out of my holidays vacation slumber to cast that the real MVP of parenting is sleep. That’ll be all.
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Ariane Audet pfp
Ariane Audet
Anyone else thinks that when your partner goes on a business trip and you’re left alone at home with the kids for days his company should pay for a care package (or at least some very good wine). No? Anyone?
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Ariane Audet pfp
Ariane Audet
Anyone else using JIRA to manage their ops? My cofounder and I decided to switch to centralize with dev efforts and I feel a bit intimidated.
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Ariane Audet pfp
Ariane Audet
Anyone else senses that posting on Twitter feels like tap dancing and trying to “make it” while posting here feels just like trying to… be?
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